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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Elder Inman Letter June 23, 2014


Sounds like quite the week back home! It was a busy one here as well! We finally made it to District meeting this week (which is an accomplishment). I spent half of it auditing everyone's iPad. it's amazing and sad the things you find. Afterwards, I went on exchanges to Burlington which is a town of about 300 people. For those of you who don't know, exchanges are conducted by leaders to help other missionaries in their areas find new people and train them on some things. Nearly everyone in Burlington is a member, so it can be difficult in a town so small to find people.

So, Burlington is actually where Elder Denslow is currently serving, but he came up to Powell to be with Elder Rasmusson while I went down to be with his companion Elder Salvador. We went with a member who took us around to see all his friends from 6:30pm-9PM. We found so many people! And the member that took us works for Keibler (Kellogg's), so he hooked us up with enough snacks for probably 2 months haha. It's nice to know people!

Wednesday I was still in Burlington and we found a few people to teach. One of them was to an investigator. It was incredibly difficult to teach the Restoration while the 2 year old daughter was buck naked and the 4 year old son was already dropping [bad words] ...but I guess eliminating distractions is a teaching skill? Also gave a new Less Active a blessing for night would probably help her if she stopped drinking and doing drugs.

Thursday I came back to Powell. After all the weekly planning, we visited the Kier's (part-member family) who are doing great! Brother Kier is reading the Old Testament children stories to their 7 year old son David and he is retaining a lot!

Friday morning, Elder Rasmusson and I sang at a funeral for an inactive man who went on a boating trip with his buddies, got drunk, and drowned. Sad stuff. We sang, "Nearer My God to Thee" in parts. I'm slowly learning to sing! Dinner was at the Davis'. We have officially taught them ALL the lessons! Sister Davis got her Patriarchal blessing yesterday and said it was incredible. For their 50th anniversary they plan on going to the Cardston, Alberta temple. Coming back for that! That evening we visited the Kvia's. Sister Kvia refuses to come to church because of something that happened in the 50's. She's convinced God understands her not renewing covenants because of a member 64 years ago who she admits had good intentions. We said, "yeah GOD understands everything!" But she clearly doesn't understand that the Sacrament is THE way to endure to the end. She's enjoyed a lot of "smooth doctrines" over the years.

Saturday we went to a baby shower we got invited too. That was awkward. We didn't stay long. That night we had a sweet lesson though with some people from Moldova (near Ukraine)! They only speak Russian. And a few weeks ago, we gave Andrew a Russian Book of Mormon. Saturday we brought an ex-communicated member who served a mission in Russia (who still believes the church is true), translate for us. The agreed to read and pray about the Book of Mormon!

Yesterday was a great Sunday! The Pedersons, Kiers, Sees, and several Less-actives were there. 9 investigators total present! It was way cool. We fasted all day for zone baptisms to increase. Haven't seen a lot yet but hope to!

GOOD NEWS! I FOUND MY CAMERA HALLELUJAH! Thank you for all your prayers! I will be sending home the memory card fairly soon. I've included a few pictures in this email. That's exciting that Lacey already has a wedding dress! Do I get to decide what picture Lacey puts on my card-board cut-out? x) If you get all the colors and buy ties, I want one and can send a picture to match everyone! Pahahaha. Really though. That's crazy Jensen and Shane are ready to go. Those punks NEVER said a word to me yet! Still love them though. Have a great week! I love you all!

Emblem is covered by Burlington. I met 5 of the 10 people there :)
Also bought a watermelon and decided this was the easiest way to eat it! Delicious!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Elder Inman Letter June 16, 2014

What the DIAMOND?!

LACEY IS ENGAGED?!?!?!?!?!?! I'M GOING TO BE A BROTHER IN-LAW?! SOMEDAY I'LL BE AN UNCLE?! Lacey's subject line said READ MINE FIRST haha. So I did! That's so exciting Lacey! I support and approve 100%! I know that if the Lord approves, I definately do! So what's next? How do you even plan for a wedding? We plan all the time as missionaries but not for weddings...actually we're planning a wedding in 2 weeks haha!
Well my week seems uninteresting now...I'm not engaged or anything... :) I suppose that is a good thing.
Had another successful week! 29 lessons, 4 non-members at church, 3 less-actives at church, and 3 new less-actives to work with! I love this area. Monday we helped Braden move and taught a sweet lesson with the Kiers. We continue to teach them weekly and have an appointment with them tonight! Sister Kier is awesome and is progressing. The whole family came to church!
Tuesday we started exchanges with Elder Payne (an Assistant to the President). We took him to see Mariana. She got super mad at us and sent us a rebuking text for trying to teach her the gospel. She just wanted us to be friends. We told her that was not our purpose and Christ taught too everyone, even his crucifiers so we should do likewise. The Young's are doing well, they started doing family home evenings! We also met with the Greenwalds!. Sister Greenwald is SIster Davis' (recently reactivated) sister! She wants to come back to church and we are going to start teaching them the discussions over again. How sweet is that!? Talking to members, all of them are surpised with many of these Less-active's progress because they all said they would never change and just gave up on them. Heck no! Never give up on anybody!
Wednesday was Zone Leader Training. I gave a talk defining what a successful missionary is and Elder Rasmusson discussed the blessings of our diligence and faith. Our mission baptized 77 people last Month. When Elder Godoy (member of the 70) came to our mission, he made a Prophecy. Our mission is ranked #1 out of the 22 missions in our region. We find the LEAST amount of people (because therer is noone here) but baptize the MOST. That means we're really good teachers! He read us Alma 26:22 which says there are 4 things needed to baptize thousands: Repentance, Faith, Good Works, and Praying unceasingly. He said we mastered 3 of the 4. The set of missionaries I came out with were known as the "purification group" (which President told me in an interview). We got rid of all bad past traditions, so that is the repentance part. We do good works and we do something called "Purposefull Prayer." Often we pray and say Amen so fast that we don't even wait for an answer! So we pause for roughly 10 seconds after we say Amen to let the spirit communicate with us. He said we just need an added measure of Faith and we would baptize in the thousands. His words were, "If your mission can't baptize a thousand, no other mission can." So President did the math, that is 84 a month. Challenge accepted!
I was on exchanges with Byron Elders part of the week. Had some cool experiences there. I taught a recent convert who was part of a Polygamist colony and had to be interviewed by a general authority to get baptized! We actually have lots of Polygamist up here.
There's a first for everything. We gave blessing to a lady in the hospital who had been in labor for 24 hours and was having a difficult time giving birth. That was a stressful blessing haha.
We have been focusing a lot on family history as a finding tool lately. Some of our history makes it back to the 100's and even before Christ! And lots of Danish Kings!
Well that was my week. Elder Rasmusson hit his year mark this week so I bought him ice cream. I only have 7.5 months left. Crazy stuff. What I am going to do with my life is really occupying my mind lately. I truly think I may want to get a doctorate in Religious Education and Teach religion. I love teaching so much!
Happy Father's Day Dad! You seriously are an incredible example to me. I don't know how you and mom managed to raise such a righteous and active family. You truly are amazing! Have a great week and stay cool!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Elder Inman Letter June 9, 2014

Long Week

Trek sounded amazing! I am so jealous that I was not able to go and be a big brother. When is the next one? Reading all of your email made me cry...each time. All of you had a spiritual experience it sounds like and I am amazed at each of them! I bet President Thalman made a great Brigham Young. Thank you for all the pictures! Write down everything you can remember from Trek in your journals!
My week was very abnormal. I already emailed you Wednesday so I don't have a whole lot else to say. Elder Goday from the Seventy was pretty cool! His topics were interesting though...for the first hour he talked about Eternal Marriage and how we need to realize that that is our next step after our missions. I think the idea was that our marriages will largely mirror what kind of missionary we are and will be? Either way it was interesting.
Thursday was Mission Leadership Council in Helena. The drive was BEAUTIFUL! Everything is beginning to turn Green and blossom. After my mission I have decided that I am driving the whole family to roadtrip my mission! I still haven't caught up on sleep though from this last week. You put 10 Elders in one room and you definatelly don't get to bed on time. So I am still exhausted :) We didn't get home until about 4PM on Friday, so we were there most of the week. It was fun, but it is good to be back here in Powell.
Friday we visited Marva, an eternal investigator of 12 years. She said she doesn't like people asking her when she is getting baptize. Well Marva, that would get solved if you would just do it because you know the church is true anyways...the appointment with the Spomers after that was much better though! 2 weeks ago I made a promise to the Spomers in Christ's name. Sister Spomer is a convert of 7 years and the both of them have gone less-active as of recent. They both were stressed out of their minds and felt they simply could not make it to church. Part of that, was the work Sister Spomer does. I have no idea what her work entails, but she was extremely stressed out about not meeting her quota of 300 garnishes. I promised her that if she came to church for 2 weeks for all three hours, she would receive a renewed energy to her body, the week would be less stressful, and the numbers would take care of themselves (not knowing just how extensive of a promise that was). Well a week ago at church, I guess the situation got worse. But they both did their end of the promise. We went by Friday and the promise was fulfilled in whole. She even got a day off. The Lord honors his promises made by his servants when they are righteous and according to his will. One of my gfavorite things to do as a missionary is make these promises that I know can happen because we act under Priesthood Keys baring the Lord's name.
On Saturday we assisted Chris Pelletier for about 4 hours installing a 500lb+ window.  After installation he realized that the window was so tinted that it didn't even let in any light. At all. Pointless. Haha but whatever. We also met with the Pederson's. All of them want to be baptized (which is awesome) but none of them really want to give up their bad habits (problematic).
Yesterday we ran into a lot of grumpy people. I suppose i would be upset too if someone came and told me I needed to repent when I know their right. People think they can ride coat-tails into heaven because they were sealed to their parents. False. It does not eliminate your personal responsibility. We found a less-active couple named the Sullivans. Something interesting about that a mission rule, we are supposed to be home by 930PM AT THE LATEST. Right at 930PM, their TV started blaring. Remember a few months ago when that happened? The Spirit was gone instantly. I see why exact obedience brings blessings!
Well that's a bout it. Didn't get to teach much this week because of all the driving and meetings. Also, yes mom I got your package! I forgot to thank you for that! I ate those gummies pretty fast and I love that cd! Sister Medonich also sent me a package with fun stuff in it. I need to write her back.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Elder Inman Letter June 4, 2014

Goodness Gracious!

What a week! For both home and here it sounds like! I am actually in Billings currently. Monday was a holiday and we had a meeting yesterday, and have ANOTHER meeting in Helena on Thursday so we are in Billings till Friday!
Last Tuesday, the transfer had begun. Transfers are always ridiculous and chaotic. The Cody Elders forgot to bring a bike, left both phones in Cody, and the car that was supposed to follow the transfer vans turned completely the wrong way, so we had to chase them for 30 minutes without a phone to redirect them.
Wednesday was bit better! We went and visited Steve. He is doing AWESOME with his family! They have family prayer and scripture study daily and I introduced them to the "Living Scriptures" cartoons online (remember those?). :) We taught Steve that there will be imperfect members who will offend him at some point of being a member. He replied with, "Oh yeah, I've already been offended by a family member. I just replied to the email with the written introduction to the Book of Mormon." Haha! Awesome!
We helped a family move Thursday morning. Part of that entailed moving a piano down a steep outdoor flight of about 10 stairs. My back was screaming the next day. The highlight Thursday was actually visiting a non-member family who is used to having home teachers. There was a brother/son in the family who was a convert and had home teachers. He recently passed away, so we have been visiting them time to time. The man there is not able to talk to his 2 younger kids and said he has faith and hope to one day see them. We testified that Heavenly Father knows EXACTLY what that feels like because he wants to be able to see us again too.
Remember Beau Brown? He's less-active and named me his "abuser" because I am very straight-foreward with him? Haha he says it lightly, but I didn't sugar-coat anything with him. Well we had a lesson with him before he moves out of our mission. During the lesson he pointed at me and said I was the reason he is on the path to the temple. Obviously it was the spirit through me, but it felt good to hear that I made a difference in his conversion. In a year he plans to go to the temple and I promised I would attend.The next day we helped him move and then we went to a mega garage sale. We bought a table and 2 chairs to eat on. Somehow it fit into our small car!
Sunday we had a sweet lesson with Sharon (the member of the "Restoration Church" in Independence, MI) as well as with an eternal investigator named Marva. We talked about the first few chapters of the Book of Mormon and I think it went pretty well. It didn't occur to me till this visit of why we are instructed to baptize at 8 years old. Christ tells us we need to become as a CHILD. 8 Years old is at the stage of being humble and submissive enough to make the conscious decision to be baptized. Babies don't know better, and you get more stubborn the older you get!
This last Monday we proselyted since today is our p-day. We found Sister Davis' sister who is less-active and are going to teach her! The goal is for all the sisters to be reactivated in order to go back to the temple before the mother passes away.
Yesterday was Mission tour! A member of the First Quorum of the 70, Elder Godoy from Brazil, visited our mission. He's a funny guy! We all sang "Called to Serve" in Portuguese to him. Our mission is #1 in Baptisms and has the least amount of people. Which means we are not good at finding but baptize nearly everyone we teach! Today we went to the temple which was sweet.
I am SO excited that Tawnya got baptized! I so wish I could have been there to support her. There is not a better feeling than seeing someone receive the restored gospel and be forgiven of all their sins. I hope all of you have a great week with Trek! And Jesse got HUGE! Love you all!